Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10 on Tuesday

1. Fall makes me giddy. I love the crisp weather and trips to the Pumpkin Patch.

2. I love Notre Dame football when they win! This weekend was even sweeter because we were at the game and USC lost!!

3. I'm already starting to feel stressed about the holidays. Who is going where and how in the world are we going to afford presents? Every year I mean to budget and set aside money and I never seem to do it.

4. This Sunday our church is cancelling services and we are going out to serve in the community. I'm so excited to see what God is going to do.

5. Mike is going to be taking Grace with him on Sunday to feed the homeless downtown. I'm so proud of him!!

6. I'm kind of annoyed with all the new shows this Fall. I guess it just gives me more time to read, but c'mon...even Grey's is not totally doing it for me.

7. Emma is going to start going to preschool one day a week. I'm so excited and yet I already know those three hours are going to fly by. I already made my list for this Thursday. I'm not complaining...I can't remember the last time I went grocery shopping by myself.

8. I have finally resorted to writing names on toys. We had a speaker come to MOPS last week who made several good points about sharing and how the greater goal should be to teach our children to respect each others property and desires. That being said, Emma has had a crash course on how to spell her name and her sister's name. She doesn't seem to care if something says G-R-A-C-E...she still wants it...NOW!

9. I'm going on another Girl's Weekend in four days. I mentioned it to someone this morning who responded with, "You must have the most understanding husband in the world.". Ummmmmmmm....he is pretty great, but he also left for New Jersey yesterday and won't be home until late Thursday so I'm not feeling horrible about leaving. Besides I won't be that far away and I'll be home Sunday.

10. It is amazing how quickly Baby Fever- "oh my gosh, my baby isn't a baby anymore and I think I want another one" - goes away when the hubby goes away.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Happy Birthday "I Got Booty"

Our little princess is 2 today. It hardly seems possible that time has flown by this quickly. She cracks us up more and more every day. Grace has been trying to teach her the princess names and she nails them all except Sleeping Beauty. It comes out "I Got Booty". She now realizes that it makes people laugh so she says it for no good reason. Ahhh...the things we will look back on!