Friday, April 20, 2007

Settling In

Well I have finally made the jump and started a blog. If anyone wonders where the title comes from it is a Mercy Me song. It was the theme song of this move to San Diego.

"What I've learned in my life the one thing greater than my strife is Your grasp so hold fast".

I've learned to hold fast on the days when being a mommy seems like the last thing I want to do. On the days when laundry, dinner, get the picture. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God's grasp is tight and these days with little ones are going to be gone before I know it. So I hold fast knowing I have been blessed beyond measure by two little girls who teach me more about myself everyday than I ever wanted to know. And I have learned how much I frustrate God and how much He loves me in spite of my childish behavior.