Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Iron Girls

The before picture is far better than the after picture. So even though the one above was taken at 6am by my somewhat supportive husband (hehehe) and my overly enthusiastic daughter, we look far more athletic than we did after the run. All in all, it was awesome. Katie and I ran the IronGirl 10K and had a blast. We finished and were excited to do another one. The funny thing is that the last time we "competed" (we chose not to say we ran it, since there were definitely moments of speed walking) we ran the Jimmy Stewart Marathon Relay which was only 5.2 miles and we felt much better after this one than we did the relay.
Now I just need to keep up with the running and see if I can't make this body of mine do a Half Marathon. I'm not out to win...just to finish. Of course that would have meant running another seven miles on Saturday. I guess that is why they have training schedules!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ten on Tuesday

1. We just started watching Lost one month, one week and four days ago.

2. We are done with the first two seasons.

3. Season 3 does not come out until December 11th and I can't figure out how to download it off the internet.

4. I find this to be incredibly lame.

5. I'm running a 10K on Saturday.

6. I don't know if I've trained enough.

7. There is a 90 minute time limit. I think I should be OK.

8. My birthday is in 12 days.

9. Birthday week starts in 5 days.

10. What is birthday week you ask? Only the best tradition ever that we adopted from our friends the Hagan's. It is like Hanukkah for your birthday. 8 crazy days of presents!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Bad Habits

Scene: Grace is sitting on the bottom of our staircase with my friend Kari and we are waiting for the babysitter to show up. It is 6pm last Wednesday night and it had been fairly warm during the day. I can't bring myself to use the air conditioner since I haven't lived anyplace with an air conditioner since Las Vegas. I use ceiling fans but that doesn't pertain to the story.

Grace: Mom, this is getting to be a really bad habit.
Me: What?
Grace: I'm sweating!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Statue of Limitations

So what exactly are the rules when it comes to doing cheese-ball touristy things? How long after you move someplace do you get to do the ridiculous without looking ridiculous? Mike was in Chicago all week so I took liberty to put quite a few miles on the Pilot. Besides wanting to go on adventures I was also looking to score a couple of free lunches.

On Monday I met my mom in Temecula at Red Robin. On Tuesday I called my father-in-law and suggested that I bring the girls to Coronado for lunch. On Wednesday we hit up Sea World again. This time we drove into the parking lot at 2:45pm for a 3:00pm show and drove out of the parking lot at 3:39pm. On Thursday I drove back to Coronado with the girls and took them on the Coronado Ferry. We never got off. We just ate our lunch and Emma screamed, "Hi fishies" for a solid hour. Thank goodness we were not with the same group of people the entire hour. I'm sure some people were secretly wishing she would fall overboard.

Today I decided to explore the 52 freeway. I had no idea where it went but figured I couldn't get too lost and ended up finding out that it goes to La Jolla. Who knew? The exploring is fun, but also frustrating. I know Los Angeles County SO well and I don't know San Diego County well at all. Mike's friends called me Zagats and now I wouldn't even qualify for the free local paper. In time I'll get there. In the meantime I know the girls are getting tired of our exploring. Today Grace asked if we could just go straight home from her friends house with exploring. I'm going to have to start thinking of ways to make it more fun or to get her really turned around so she doesn't know that we are exploring.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Talk about peer pressure...

I never thought that I would be called out to start a blog. I must say...it is rather flattering! Thanks Stace! I've started and stopped twice in the last two months. There is a tremendous amount of pressure that is built into a blog. Am I funny enough? Am I too serious? Are my photos too amateur? Come to think of it...I've been "called out" a lot lately.

My friend Susie thinks I should follow her lead and go sky diving for my birthday in two weeks. I can't even handle the parachutes at Knott's Berry Farm let alone CHOOSING to jump out of a plane. Parachute or not, I'd be looking for a dull object really fast.

Grace, my 4 year old, thinks that I need to stop drinking Coke. It is diet, but she still informs me that it is not healthy and that I should just drink water. Talk about words coming back to bite you!

Mike thinks I need to go back to school so I can get a job that pays really well so he can stay home with the girls. Please...and give up Women's Bible Study, MOPS, Stroller Strides, and weekly trips to Sea World to see Shamu?

By the way...check out Shamu's mad skills breakdancing. Right here he is doing the windmill. I highly recommend making it down to San Diego for the Shamu Rocks show at night. Off the hook!!! Those pictures don't look so hot on a blog, but he was practicing during another show. Like I said...we go A LOT! Gotta love the Fun Pass!